
The work programme is compounded by seven work packages:

Biogas3 Workpackages

WP1 Management (leader: AINIA – Spain)
The main objective of this WP is to manage and monitor the activities of the project to ensure its adequate development and progress through the proper organisational structure and decision-making mechanisms. AINIA, as project coordinator, will be leading this WP.

WP2 Business collaboration models (leader: AINIA – Spain)
The aim of this WP is to develop sustainable business collaboration models based on the small-scale (<100 kW) Anaerobic Digestion (AD) concept. The sustainability term comprises three aspects: economy, environment and energy. These activities will be divided into:

  1. Identification of the specific target groups from the agro-food industry in each country.
  2. Diagnosis of the target groups so as to determine the needs of the end-users, in order that the developed tools are tailored to them.
  3. Design the business collaboration models for sustainable small-scale AD with the inputs of all partners.
  4. Develop of a software tool ‘smallBIOGAS’ to serve as sustainability analyzer of small-scale biogas plants in the target countries. Several applications of it to pilot cases will serve both as validation and as first results of sustainability analysis to be used to inform the stakeholders and as training materials.

WP3. Small-scale AD models (leader: UNITO, Deiafa – Italy)
The objective of this WP is to design small-scale AD technology models. The model will include all the necessary parts of the small-scale plant (raw materials pre-treatment, anaerobic digestion, biogas valorisation, digestate conditioning…) with indication of the available technology for each part. The energy demand management will be included in the model, to adapt the energy production to the demand of the manufacturing processes in order to facilitate the implementation of energy self-sufficiency concept. The sustainability of the model will be assessed with ‘smallBIOGAS’ software.

WP4. Build-up of skills, awareness and networking (leader: RENAC – Germany)
This work package covers all activities related to the train-the-trainer seminar, workshops events, face to face and on-line trainings, live-webinars and visit tours. These actions are not only informative (to build-up skills and awareness of the target group), but also an interaction opportunity between the target group and the rest of the key actors of the value chain.

WP5. Face-to-face activities (leader: IrBEA – Ireland)
This WP will consist of a face-to-face activities campaign coordinated by IrBEA with the final objective to set the conditions to promote new investments.

Work Package 6. Communication (leader: ACTIA – France)
This work package covers all communication related to with the action: website, social networks, technical publications, press releases, leaflets and merchandise materials, promotional video, etc.

Work Package 7. IEE Common Dissemination Activities (leader: AINIA – Spain)
This work package covers resources to contribute to common dissemination activities to increase synergies and visibility of IEE-supported actions.

BIOGAS3 PROJECT - Sustainable small-scale biogas from agri-food waste for energy self-sufficiency
Intelligent Energy Europe Programme

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